How to play elite dangerous on manjaro linux
Taken from ProtonDB:
You have to instal dotnet472
$ protontricks 359320 -q dotnet472 win7
This takes about 30 minutes with a lot of error messages. After it finishes you have to make modifications to config files in the game directory, from both:
/steamapps/common/Elite Dangerous/EDLauncher.exe.config
/steamapps/common/Elite Dangerous/HardwareReporter.exe.config
Delete the following line:
supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"
and add the following:
supportedRuntime version="v4.0"
Windowing: Activating Fullscreen After changing resolution, change the option to fullscreen mode. After a few tries it should work.
Note: I have not personally tried this, but the above page is about the most useful reference for this you're going to find. It does very much seem to be distro-dependent, but those on Arch-based distros appear to be having much better luck than others.
Using the Native steam 'play on linux' does not work, as it does not install mono, which is a framework Elite uses for the launcher.
This is how you could do it:
- Using latest version of Antergos Linux
- Using Lutris to install Windows Steam version of Elite Dangerous
(Lutris uses Wine, which autodetects the requirement of mono and installs everything required)
According to mzry, a user on the Frontier Forums, it runs as smooth as windows, and sound, audio, and joysticks work perfectly.
Hope this helps!