Little Snitch uninstalled properly but Little Snitch Helper still here

Long time ago, I uninstalled Little Snitch with the built-in uninstaller.

I also ran CleanMyMac and checked all possible leftovers on Hard Disk: /Library and inside Home Folder: /Library such as :

  • /Library/Caches
  • /Library/Preferences
  • /Library/Application Support
  • /Library/LaunchAgents
  • /Library/LaunchDaemons
  • /Library/PreferencePanes
  • /Library/StartupItems

But today I spotted a remaining of Little Snitch in setting > Privacy > Location : Little Snitch Helper.

If I right-click on it and do open in finder nothing appear and I'm not able to find it !

How can I get ride of it ?

Solution 1:

Little Snitch Helper is installed in /Library/Little Snitch/Little Snitch But I assume that it properly deinstalled, the only thing remaining is the entry you are looking at which was required to give the application access to location data.

I just tried with some other "old" entries, you should be able to remove it by just unticking the entry (if it already is unticked, tick it first and then untick it again).