Steam library sharing question [duplicate]
If I have 3 steam accounts, a primary one - the one that has all the games; and 2 empty ones. If I share my library on the primary account to the other two, can both of the other accounts play at the same time (not the same game obviously)?
So for instance: Account 1 Shares 2 games to account 2 and account 3, can account 2 play game 1 while account 3 plays game 2? Or as soon as account 3 comes online account 2 gets disconnected?
Solution 1:
No, at least not without shenanigans that break the terms and conditions.
A single shared library can only be used by one account at once. If that library is in use by account 2, account 3 will be unable to access it at all. Account 1, if it is the owner of the game, can access it but will force account 2 to disconnect.