How can I beat level 3-15 in Angry Birds?

I can't get past this level in Angry Birds. All I get is one black exploding bird and two white bomber birds:

Angry Birds 3-15

I can use the black bomber to kill the left two pigs, but after that there's such a big pile of concrete on top of the other pigs that nothing I try gets through.

Solution 1:

Here's a video walkthrough of 3-11 through 3-15:

direct link to just that video

Solution 2:

Youtube has a bunch of these:

This is the "Official Angry Birds 3 Star Walkthrough Theme 3 Levels 11-15"

A description of what occurs in the video:

1. Fire black bird at gap between concrete levels 3 and 4 (one above first die).
2. Black bird explodes on top of second tall wood column. Second pig is
3. Fire white bird on slightly higher trajectory, dropping egg between third
   and fourth (now second and third) pigs, destroying both.
4. Fire second white bird on lower trajectory, dropping egg between first (and
   only) remaining pig and die, destroying both.

Total points in example video: 56460. ★★★

Solution 3:

Aim the black bird at the row just under the first dice and DON'T explode him. If you hit it right he will explode and take out 3 of the pigs. Then you are left with the two white birds to get the last pig on the end.

Solution 4:

Rovio has walkthroughs on YouTube: