How do I defeat/sneak past proximity mines?

I'm at a hallway filled with proximity mines and things are not going well.


I've tried to crouch past them or in between them but they're very sensitive and I don't think that's a possibility. Shooting them sets them off without me getting killed but it's alarming to the bad guys nearby and that's not good - it is a last resort if I need it. Is there another way to disable or get past these mines without setting them off?

Solution 1:

It's not hard at all if you take these steps. In fact, if you do the following you can't even set them off accidentally (unless you jump or knock something over).

  1. Press Caps Lock, or whatever key you've mapped for "Toggle Walk", to switch from fast movement to slow movement.

  2. Crouch.

  3. Shuffle over to the mine while crouched.

  4. Highlight the mine.

  5. Press whatever key you've mapped to "activate object". This will disable the mine.

  6. If you want to take the mine, "activate object" again.

Solution 2:

I cannot find a way to disable mines either. In that spot, I picked up a barrel and threw it down the hall to safely trigger all the mines. This will alert a lot of people, however.

Solution 3:

I believe EMP grenades will disable them, but you would need quite a few of them to pull it off.

Solution 4:

The solution to disabling mines is to walk incredibly slowly (as slowly as possible, then slower). You'll be able to disable and pick up the mine for placement/selling later.

You could also disable them via explosion (see @Chris and @OrigamiRobot's answers), but that is not preferable for stealth.

Solution 5:

I just shot them. It "alarms" people, but they get over it, and it doesn't count as being "detected". I habitually alarm people in order to draw them away from their friends so I can put the beat down on them.

I tried sneaking up on them a couple of times, but it didn't work worth a damn for me...I think partly because I didn't realize there was a mine against the wall I was trying to sneak from. If you're going to sneak through this bit, go all the way to the dead end on the right, and proceed from there. That might work better.