How to delete last character in a string in C#?

Building a string for post request in the following way,

  var itemsToAdd = sl.SelProds.ToList();
  if (sl.SelProds.Count() != 0)
      foreach (var item in itemsToAdd)
        paramstr = paramstr + string.Format("productID={0}&", item.prodID.ToString());

after I get resulting paramstr, I need to delete last character & in it

How to delete last character in a string using C#?

Personally I would go with Rob's suggestion, but if you want to remove one (or more) specific trailing character(s) you can use TrimEnd. E.g.

paramstr = paramstr.TrimEnd('&');

build it with string.Join instead:

var parameters = sl.SelProds.Select(x=>"productID="+x.prodID).ToArray();
paramstr = string.Join("&", parameters);

string.Join takes a seperator ("&") and and array of strings (parameters), and inserts the seperator between each element of the array.