What are all the ways to get Speech Bonuses in Skyrim?

Solution 1:

I know of the following ways to get bonuses:

  1. Blessing of Zenithar (Pray at one of his shrines 10%)
  2. Charity (Give a gold to a begger for an 8 hour buff)
  3. A potion of speech called elixir of glibness (Gives +40 speech for 60 seconds)
  4. Items with Fortify Speech enchantment (marked "of Haggling" or similar, Max modifier is 40 and can only be enchanted on necklaces)
  5. Haggling (5-30% price improvement) and Allure (10% better prices with opposite sex) perks under speech skill.
  6. The thieves guild hoods (regular, improved, and grandmaster) all come with enchantments that improve prices. This is the only way to get this enchantment on headgear.
  7. Potions of fortify barter can be made via alchemy.