How can I choose which monitor a game starts on?

Solution 1:

If you're using Windows 7 (or 8), I've picked up a handy trick to switch the screen my browser window takes up. (I tend to browse websites fullscreen)

Start the game, and when it is fullscreen on one monitor, push

  • Windows Key+Shift+Left Arrow (or Right Arrow, depending on your setup)

to move it between monitors.

Not too sure if it will work with all games, but give it a try.

Solution 2:

If the game/application does not propose the setting to choose the display it will run on, then there is no way to specify it manually.

By default, the games will start on the primary screen as set in the control panel. Should you need to put fullscreen games on a specific display, you would have to temporary set your primary display to the desired screen, launch the game, then switch it back.

The second best option (in my opinion) is to run your games in borderless windowed mode whenever possible. This should allow you to move windows (right-click on task in tasbar, move) or even use windows-7 shortcuts like WIN+Left/Right to move the window to the desired screen.