What causes specific instances of each aura (for the Aura Seer)?
Solution 1:
Bloodmark - Role - Marked by a Bloodletter
UnholyEavesdropper - Item - Has had Hell Helm cast on them
ThreatOfRetribution - Item - Holding Ankh of Retribution
AvatarOfRetribution - Item Activation - Ankh of Retribution
EnduringSpirit - Item - Holding Ankh of Possession
PossessingSpirit - Item Activation - Player has killed player with an Ankh of Possession
RiteOfFenrir - Role - Blessed by a Blood Priest
FenrirsPledge - Item - Player holds Warg's Bracer
BloodSoaked - Item - Holding a Bloody Wreath
Lycanthropy - Item - Player holds a Wolf Pelt
DemonicEssence - Item - Holding Abyssal Armour
HoldingWeapon - Item - Holding any weapon
Lycanthropy - Item - Afflicted with Lycanthropy via the Sanguine Horn
SecondChance - Item - Holding Ankh of Reincarnation
ReincarnationSpell - Item Activation - Ankh of Reincarnation
RunicAura - Item - played holds a rune
Spellbound - Item / Role - Player has had Spellbound cast on them
Whispers - Item - Has had a Hvísla rune used on them
Poisoned - Item - poisoned by a Poisoned Dart
Blessed - Role - Blessed by a Priestess
Decay - Role - Decayed by a Lich
DemonicDarkness - Role / Item - Created by the Sceptre of Darkness or a Shadowcaster
ContagiousBlight - Role - Innate Aura of a Fanatic
Blighted - Role / Item - Blighted by a Player
Inebriation - Item / Role - Has had Inebriation cast on them
Damned - Moderator
AbysmalProtection - Item - Holding Abysmal Armour
Pollymorphed - Item - turned into a parrot by a potion of Pollymorph
SpittingFeathers - Item - Player can largely speak after being pollymorphed, but some random words will still be turned into parrot noises
ImImmortl - Item - Essence of the Ancient One (joke item)
Crippled - Item - Has been crippled
PrimedBearTrap - Item - Player has a primed bear trap on them
Cursed - Item - Result of a Midnight Council Decision
Weakness - Item - Potion of Weakness used on Player
StrongNeck - Item - Holding an Iron Collar
PaxDemocracia - Item - Holding Amulet of Peace
Shadow - Role - Created by a Shadowcaster
StrengthOfFenrir - Item - Heart of Fenrir
Tenacious - Item - Player either holds a ring of tenacity of has had a potion of tenacity used on them
Shadow - Item - Player holds Veil of Shadows
MartyrsProtection - Item - a player has chosen to guard them with the Martyr's Crown
CouncilMember - Role / Item - Has been given a seat on the Midnight Council
OverrunByRats - Item - Player has a Rat Swarm created by the Vermin Talisman on them
Doomed - Moderator
Vulnerability - Item - Potion of Vulnerability used on Player