Solution 1:

For people that cant find "System.Web" at .Net References, this might be the answer:

"you need to right-click the project -> properties -> then change the "Target framework" which will probably be ".NET Framework 4 Client Profile" to just ".NET Framework 4".

The answer was given by Tinister (thanks) as a reply to a previuos post. But I thought it was a little bit hidden at his original post. So i put it here to make it easer to be seen. Hope it helps.

Solution 2:

If you target .NET 3.5 or 4 client profile, you won't see ASP.NET assemblies.

Besides, you should try to use HTTP classes in System.Net.

Solution 3:

System.Web should be referenced from the GAC. This assembly has nothing to do in your application folders.

alt text

Solution 4:

1 right click on References in Solution Explorer and press add reference...

2 choose the browse tab and go to C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\System.Web\System.Web.dll and add the dll file to your references.