Help with special function differential equation

If you have a DEQ of the form:

$$y'' + \frac{1-2a}{x}y' + \left[(bcx^{c-1})^2 + \frac{a^2 - p^2c^2}{x^2}\right]y = 0.$$

It has the solution:

$$y = x^aZ_p(bx^c).$$

where $Z$ stands for $J$ or $N$ or any linear combination of them and $a,b,c,p$ are constants. All you do is match up the and solve for the constants from your given DEQ and then you have the solution $y$.

You should be able to find this in the NIST DLMF or Math World.

When you write the solution, you should verify it as you've likely learned in class.

Also, just to be complete, this DEQ can use the Parabolic Cylinder Function as a solution.

Look here. The basic idea is: you know that $g(t)=J_{\pm n}(t)$ satisfy Bessel equation, then one should look at what happens to this equation if we change the independent variable, $t=\beta x^{\gamma}$, and simultaneously replace the function $g(t)$ by $x^{-\alpha}y(x)=\left(t/\beta\right)^{-\alpha/\gamma}y\left(\left(t/\beta\right)^{1/\gamma}\right)$.

Concerning the specific equation in the end, compare it with (6): then $2\alpha-1=0$, $\alpha^2-n^2\gamma^2=0$, $2\gamma-2=2$, $\beta^2\gamma^2=1$.