CMYK conversion from RGB
I have several RGB images that I have to convert to CMYK for a paper submission. I have a Photoshop Elements 9 license but it doesn't support CMYK.
I remember having tried with ImageMagick on Linux but never managed to generate a result with the same colors. Last time I sent the files to a friend with a Photoshop license to convert.
Is there a free or cheap tool on Mac OS X, Linux or Windows that will allow me to do the job?
Solution 1:
It seems you can use ImageMagick to convert from RGB to CMYK if you use the appropriate color profiles
For example if the source image contains a color profile
convert rgb_image.jpg -profile USCoat.icm cmyk_image.jpg
convert rgb_image.jpg +profile icm \
-profile sRGB.icc -profile USCoat.icm cmyk_image.jpg
But you must use appropriate color profiles, sRGB and USCoat are just examples.