How to Format dict string outputs nicely

Solution 1:

Depending on what you're doing with the output, one option is to use JSON for the display.

import json
x = {'planet' : {'has': {'plants': 'yes', 'animals': 'yes', 'cryptonite': 'no'}, 'name': 'Earth'}}

print json.dumps(x, indent=2)


  "planet": {
    "has": {
      "plants": "yes", 
      "animals": "yes", 
      "cryptonite": "no"
    "name": "Earth"

The caveat to this approach is that some things are not serializable by JSON. Some extra code would be required if the dict contained non-serializable items like classes or functions.

Solution 2:

Use pprint

import pprint

x  = {
  'planet' : {
    'name' : 'Earth',
    'has' : {
      'plants' : 'yes',
      'animals' : 'yes',
      'cryptonite' : 'no'
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

This outputs

{   'planet': {   'has': {   'animals': 'yes',
                             'cryptonite': 'no',
                             'plants': 'yes'},
                  'name': 'Earth'}}

Play around with pprint formatting and you can get the desired result.


Solution 3:

def format(d, tab=0):
    s = ['{\n']
    for k,v in d.items():
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            v = format(v, tab+1)
            v = repr(v)

        s.append('%s%r: %s,\n' % ('  '*tab, k, v))
    s.append('%s}' % ('  '*tab))
    return ''.join(s)

print format({'has': {'plants': 'yes', 'animals': 'yes', 'cryptonite': 'no'}, 'name': 'Earth'}})


'planet': {
  'has': {
    'plants': 'yes',
    'animals': 'yes',
    'cryptonite': 'no',
  'name': 'Earth',

Note that I'm sorta assuming all keys are strings, or at least pretty objects here