Android Emulator snapshot error

The problem isn't with your app, it is with the saved AVD snapshot. The AVD configuration has been edited since you last ran it successfully. Even changing skin/display resolution will produce this error. You could either:

  1. Change the AVD configuration back to how it was originally.
  2. Edit the AVD to disable the Snapshot. or
  3. When you next start the AVD, uncheck the Launch with snapshot, but keep Save snapshot checked. This way the snapshot will be ignored at start-up, but overwritten when you exit. You will then be able to use snapshot for subsequent runs as before.

resolved issue by:

  1. going to project and selecting Clean
  2. going to Window>AVD Manager>Delete and create a new AVD
  3. Relaunch application, emulator will take a few minutes to load.

To remove the list of stored snapshots in your system:

rm ~/.android/avd/[your_avd_name]/snapshots.img*

I had the same issue as Timmmm, nothing would resolve it.

Through the command line emulator.exe -avd avdname -snapshot default-boot gives me that same error. But I also noticed that it launches from the GUI just fine.

I went into the C:\users\uname\.android\avd\The_avd\ and deleted the snapshots.img.default-boot snapshot and the snapshots iso file.

It's easier than recreating the machine, but deletes your snapshot(s), and then you can use it again like normal.