Recyclerview inside Nested Scrollview scroll but does not fast scroll like normal Recyclerview or Nested Scrollview

Solution 1:



Solution 2:

By default setNestedScrollingEnabled works only after API-21.

You can use ViewCompat.setNestedScrollingEnabled(recyclerView, false); to disable nested scrolling for before and after API-21(Lollipop). Link to documentation.

Solution 3:

I was working on android 16 where this was not possible to use setNestedSCrollEnabled method,

What I end up doing to stop RecyclerView from handling Scrolls.

Like in LinerLayoutManager i made canScrollHorizontally, canScrollVertically to return false by default.

myRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getContext(), LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false){
            public boolean canScrollHorizontally() {
                return false;

            public boolean canScrollVertically() {
                return false;