Path.Combine is handy, but is there a similar function in the .NET framework for URLs?

I'm looking for syntax like this:

Url.Combine("", "/Images/Image.jpg")

which would return:


Solution 1:

Uri has a constructor that should do this for you: new Uri(Uri baseUri, string relativeUri)

Here's an example:

Uri baseUri = new Uri("");
Uri myUri = new Uri(baseUri, "catalog/shownew.htm");

Note from editor: Beware, this method does not work as expected. It can cut part of baseUri in some cases. See comments and other answers.

Solution 2:

This may be a suitably simple solution:

public static string Combine(string uri1, string uri2)
    uri1 = uri1.TrimEnd('/');
    uri2 = uri2.TrimStart('/');
    return string.Format("{0}/{1}", uri1, uri2);

Solution 3:

You use Uri.TryCreate( ... ) :

Uri result = null;

if (Uri.TryCreate(new Uri(""), "/en-us/library/system.uri.trycreate.aspx", out result))

Will return:

Solution 4:

There's already some great answers here. Based on mdsharpe suggestion, here's an extension method that can easily be used when you want to deal with Uri instances:

using System;
using System.Linq;

public static class UriExtensions
    public static Uri Append(this Uri uri, params string[] paths)
        return new Uri(paths.Aggregate(uri.AbsoluteUri, (current, path) => string.Format("{0}/{1}", current.TrimEnd('/'), path.TrimStart('/'))));

And usage example:

var url = new Uri("").Append("/part1/", "part2").AbsoluteUri;

This will produce

If you want to work with strings instead of Uris then the following will also produce the same result, simply adapt it to suit your needs:

public string JoinUriSegments(string uri, params string[] segments)
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(uri))
        return null;

    if (segments == null || segments.Length == 0)
        return uri;

    return segments.Aggregate(uri, (current, segment) => $"{current.TrimEnd('/')}/{segment.TrimStart('/')}");

var uri = JoinUriSegements("", "/part1/", "part2");