Hex transparency in colors [duplicate]

Here's a correct table of percentages to hex values. E.g. for 50% white you'd use #80FFFFFF.

  • 100% — FF
  • 95% — F2
  • 90% — E6
  • 85% — D9
  • 80% — CC
  • 75% — BF
  • 70% — B3
  • 65% — A6
  • 60% — 99
  • 55% — 8C
  • 50% — 80
  • 45% — 73
  • 40% — 66
  • 35% — 59
  • 30% — 4D
  • 25% — 40
  • 20% — 33
  • 15% — 26
  • 10% — 1A
  • 5% — 0D
  • 0% — 00


Short answer

You can see the full table of percentages to hex values and run the code in this playground in https://play.golang.org/p/l1JaPYFzDkI .

Short explanation in pseudocode

Percentage to hex values

  1. decimal = percentage * 255 / 100 . ex : decimal = 50*255/100 = 127.5
  2. convert decimal to hexadecimal value . ex: 127.5 in decimal = 7*16ˆ1 + 15 = 7F in hexadecimal

Hex values to percentage

  1. convert the hexaxdecimal value to decimal. ex: D6 = 13*16ˆ1 + 6 = 214
  2. percentage = (value in decimal ) * 100 / 255. ex : 214 *100/255 = 84%

More infos for the conversion decimal <=> hexadecimal

Long answer: how to calculate in your head

The problem can be solved generically by a cross multiplication.

We have a percentage (ranging from 0 to 100 ) and another number (ranging from 0 to 255) then converted to hexadecimal.

  • 100 <==> 255 (FF in hexadecimal)
  • 0 <==> 0 (00 in hexadecimal)

For 1%

  • 1 * 255 / 100 = 2,5
  • 2,5 in hexa is 2 if you round it down.

For 2%

  • 2 * 255 / 100 = 5
  • 5 in hexa is 5 .

The table in the best answer gives the percentage by step of 5%.

How to calculate the numbers between in your head ? Due to the 2.5 increment, add 2 to the first and 3 to the next

  • 95% — F2 // start
  • 96% — F4 // add 2 to F2
  • 97% — F7 // add 3 . Or F2 + 5 = F7
  • 98% — F9 // add 2
  • 99% — FC // add 3. 9 + 3 = 12 in hexa : C
  • 100% — FF // add 2

I prefer to teach how to find the solution rather than showing an answer table you don't know where the results come from.

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