What do you call making a sound of derision or contempt by blowing through closed lips (but not using the tongue)?

In this clip of the movie 'Moana', at 13 seconds into the video, Moana says "Teach me to sail," to which Maui makes a sound of derision or contempt by blowing through closed lips without using the tongue.

What do you call Maui's act of making this sound?

Is it called "Bronx cheer" or "blowing a raspberry" or something else?

As I understand it, both Bronx cheer and blowing a raspberry would involve the use of the tongue as well as the lips. If so, Maui's act is not exactly Bronx cheer or blowing a raspberry, because he didn't use the tongue at all.

Is there a separate term for making the sound only with the lips? Or can Bronx cheer or blowing raspberry be used to describe the act of making such a sound only with the lips?

With permission from @Josh and @JanusBahs maybe, I think we might name the sound 'pfft'...
From Wiktionary Pfft:

  1. Used to signify a sudden ending or disappearance
  2. Used to signify sarcasm or disagreement
  3. (onomatopoeia) Used to signify a puffing sound

This link also describes the sound as 'pfft'. I couldn't find movie quotes elsewhere.

Also without any strong reference of a renowned dictionary I have this defination from Lingo2Word.

:The word pfft is used in Slang [sic] meaning the sound created by expelling air through the teeth and lips,yeah whatever,an expression of dismissal.