ECMAScript template literals like 'some ${string}' are not working

Solution 1:

JavaScript template literals require backticks, not straight quotation marks.

You need to use backticks (otherwise known as "grave accents" - which you'll find next to the 1 key if you're using a QWERTY keyboard) - rather than single quotes - to create a template literal.

Backticks are common in many programming languages but may be new to JavaScript developers.

console.log(`categoryName: ${this.categoryName}\ncategoryElements: ${categoryElements} `) 
VM626:1 categoryName: name 
categoryElements: element

Usage of the backtick character (`) in JavaScript

Solution 2:

There are three quotation marks, but just one entrance is working which we can use as TEMPLATE LITERALS:

  1. " " (é key on keyboard) is not working:
console.log("Server is running on port: ${PORT}")
  1. ' ' (Shift + 2 key on keyboard) is not working:
console.log('Server is running on port: ${PORT}')
  1. ` ` (Alt + Num96 key on keyboard) is working:
console.log(`Server is running on port: ${PORT}`)

Screenshot of console.log(Server is running on port: ${PORT})

Solution 3:

it only works if you use backpacks, on my Mac Pro that is ` which is above the tab key.

If you use single or double quotes it won't work!