Rails Root directory path?

How do I get my Rails app's root directory path?

Solution 1:

In Rails 3 and newer:


which returns a Pathname object. If you want a string you have to add .to_s. If you want another path in your Rails app, you can use join like this:

Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images', 'logo.png')

In Rails 2 you can use the RAILS_ROOT constant, which is a string.

Solution 2:

For super correctness, you should use:


which will allow your app to work on platforms where / is not the directory separator, should anyone try and run it on one.

Solution 3:

You can access rails app path using variable RAILS_ROOT.

For example:

render :file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/layouts/mylayout.html.erb"