Pattern matching on the beginning of a string in f#

Solution 1:

Parameterized active patterns to the rescue!

let (|Prefix|_|) (p:string) (s:string) =
    if s.StartsWith(p) then

match "Hello world" with
| Prefix "The" rest -> printfn "Started with 'The', rest is %s" rest
| Prefix "Hello" rest -> printfn "Started with 'Hello', rest is %s" rest
| _ -> printfn "neither"

Solution 2:

You could also use a guard on the pattern:

match text with
| txt when txt.StartsWith("The") -> true
| txt when txt.StartsWith("If") -> true
| _ -> false

Solution 3:

Yes you have to treat them as a list of characters if you want to use a match expression.

Simply transform the string with:

let text = "The brown fox.." |> Seq.toList

Then you can use a match expression but you will have to use chars (the type of elements in the list) for each letter:

match text with
| 'T'::'h'::'e'::_ -> true
| 'I'::'f'::_ -> true
| _ -> false

As Brian suggest Parameterized Active Patterns are much nicer, there a some useful patterns here (go the end of the page).