Unix ls command: show full path when using options

Solution 1:

What about this trick...

ls -lrt -d -1 $PWD/{*,.*}


ls -lrt -d -1 $PWD/*

I think this has problems with empty directories but if another poster has a tweak I'll update my answer. Also, you may already know this but this is probably be a good candidate for an alias given it's lengthiness.

[update] added some tweaks based on comments, thanks guys.

[update] as pointed out by the comments you may need to tweek the matcher expressions depending on the shell (bash vs zsh). I've re-added my older command for reference.

Solution 2:

Try this, works for me: ls -d /a/b/c/*

Solution 3:

Use this command:

ls -ltr /mig/mthome/09/log/*

instead of:

ls -ltr /mig/mthome/09/log

to get the full path in the listing.

Solution 4:

I use this command:

ls -1 | xargs readlink -f

Solution 5:

optimized from spacedrop answer ...

ls $(pwd)/*

and you can use ls options

ls -alrt $(pwd)/*