Create a coroutine to fade out different types of object

Hi I'm trying to create a coroutine in unity that will handle fading on all manner of object. So far I'm able to get the alpha values of the different types I want but I'm at a dead end as to how to set the new color after lerping it. Here is my code :

public static  IEnumerator FadeTo(float aValue, float aTime,GameObject gameObj)
                Component[] allComponents = gameObj.GetComponents(typeof(Component));
                Component fadableComponent;
                Type type = null;
                float alpha=0;
                foreach(Component c in allComponents)
                        fadableComponent = c;
                        alpha = fadableComponent.GetComponent<Image>().color.a;
                        type = fadableComponent.GetType();
                        Debug.Log("Found a image");
                    if (c.GetType() == typeof(Renderer))
                        fadableComponent = c;
                        alpha = fadableComponent.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color.a;
                        type = fadableComponent.GetType();
                    if (c.GetType() == typeof(SpriteRenderer))
                        fadableComponent = c;
                        alpha = fadableComponent.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color.a;
                        type = fadableComponent.GetType();
                    if(c.GetType()== typeof(CanvasGroup))
                        fadableComponent = c;
                        alpha = fadableComponent.GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha;
                        type = fadableComponent.GetType();

                for (float t = 0.0f; t < 1.0f; t += Time.deltaTime / aTime)
                    Color newColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, Mathf.Lerp(alpha, aValue, t));
                    gameObj.transform.GetComponent(type) // What now ?!
                    yield return null;
                yield return null;

Now i know how to do this with lets say another set of if's or what not, but I want to avoid that. For example of solutions I want to avoid I took a look at the iTween implementation. Here is a perfect example of what I want to avoid:

        }else if(target.GetComponent<GUIText>()){
        }else if(target.GetComponent<Renderer>()){
        }else if(target.GetComponent<Light>()){

This is a mess, moms spaghetti. Extending this will be a nightmare.

It could be you're looking for


The crack cocaine of game programming!

The basic syntax is

 time.Tweeng( do something )

so (in pseudocode)

StartCoroutine( 2f.Tweeng( .. move the ball .. ) );
StartCoroutine( .5f.Tweeng( .. spin the spaceship .. ) );
StartCoroutine( 1f.Tweeng( .. fade the text .. ) );

Those examples are,

  • move the ball over two seconds
  • spin the spaceship in 1/2 second
  • fade the text over one second.


// tweeng z to 20 degrees in .12 seconds
StartCoroutine(.12f.Tweeng( (t)=>transform.Eulers(0f,0f,t), 0f,20f) );

// fade in alpha in .75 seconds
StartCoroutine(.75f.Tweeng( (u)=>{c.a=u;s.color=c;}, 0f,1f) );

// duck volume..
StartCoroutine(  .3f.Tweeng( x=>{current.volume=x;}, current.volume, 0f) );

// move something..
StartCoroutine(secs.Tweeng( (p)=>parked.transform.position=p,
  landing.transform.position) );

// twist image
yield return StartCoroutine( .3f.Tweeng(
  (u)=>polaroid.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f,0f,u),
  0f,9f) );

You can Tweeng anything, certainly including fades.

Basic code base for Tweeng :

Just put this in a file Extns.cs:

public static class Extns
    public static IEnumerator Tweeng( this float duration,
               System.Action<float> var, float aa, float zz )
        float sT = Time.time;
        float eT = sT + duration;
        while (Time.time < eT)
            float t = (Time.time-sT)/duration;
            var( Mathf.SmoothStep(aa, zz, t) );
            yield return null;

    public static IEnumerator Tweeng( this float duration,
               System.Action<Vector3> var, Vector3 aa, Vector3 zz )
        float sT = Time.time;
        float eT = sT + duration;
        while (Time.time < eT)
            float t = (Time.time-sT)/duration;
            var( Vector3.Lerp(aa, zz, Mathf.SmoothStep(0f, 1f, t) );
            yield return null;

(Note that those examples include smoothing. You may need no-smoothing in some cases. In fact, in projects now we always have both "Tweeng" and "SmoothedTweeng".)

(If you're interested, you can use a generics approach - fascinating QA on that.)

Tweeng - it could save your life!

FYI regarding this specific question:

Be aware of crossFadeAlpha , recently added to Unity. It is confusing but it can work well. Be aware that canvas renderers always have an alpha.

public static class MoExtensions

    public static void FadeIn(this Graphic g)

    public static void FadeOut(this Graphic g)