First class generic function in swift?

Swift has first class functions that can be passed as arguments.

func a() {

func b(x: ()) {

// Pass a to b…

Swift has generic functions.

func generic<T>(x: T) {

But, does Swift let me pass a generic function as an argument to another function?

let anIntService = Service<Int>()
let astringService = Service<String>()

func attach<T>(service: Service<T>, to value: T) {
  // Perform type safe attaching of `value` to `service`.

func doAttaching(attach: (Service<T>, to T)->Void) {
  attach(anIntService, to: 42)
  attach(aStringService, to: "Hello World!")


…Or does it only let me pass a specific instantiation of a generic function?

If this is possible, please illustrate the syntax for defining a function that accepts a generic function as an argument.

If this isn't supported, a workaround is to define the generic function as a method of a struct, or something, and pass an instead of that. This is not ideal though, as the consuming function doesn't get such a nice calling syntax, they need to do:

func doAttaching(attach: Attacher) {
  attacher.attach(anIntService, to: 42)
  attacher.attach(aStringService, to: "Hello World")

This feature is commonly called Higher-Kinded Types (HKT), and is not currently supported in Swift.

It has, however, been discussed on the swift-evolution mailing list.