How to reload a page using JavaScript

How can I reload the page using JavaScript?

I need a method that works in all browsers.

JavaScript 1.2 and newer

// If we needed to force the document to be fetched from the
// web server again (such as where the document contents
// change dynamically but cache control headers are not
// configured properly), Firefox supports a non-standard
// parameter that can be set to true to bypass the cache:

JavaScript 1.1

window.location.replace(window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash);
// does not create a history entry

JavaScript 1.0

window.location.href = window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash;
// creates a history entry


See this MDN page for more information.

If you are refreshing after an onclick then you'll need to return false directly after

return false;

I was looking for some information regarding reloads on pages retrieved with POST requests, such as after submitting a method="post" form.

To reload the page keeping the POST data, use:


To reload the page discarding the POST data (perform a GET request), use:

window.location.href = window.location.href;

Hopefully this can help others looking for the same information.

You can perform this task using window.location.reload();. As there are many ways to do this but I think it is the appropriate way to reload the same document with JavaScript. Here is the explanation

JavaScript window.location object can be used

  • to get current page address (URL)
  • to redirect the browser to another page
  • to reload the same page

window: in JavaScript represents an open window in a browser.

location: in JavaScript holds information about current URL.

The location object is like a fragment of the window object and is called up through the window.location property.

location object has three methods:

  1. assign(): used to load a new document
  2. reload(): used to reload current document
  3. replace(): used to replace current document with a new one

So here we need to use reload(), because it can help us in reloading the same document.

So use it like window.location.reload();.

Online demo on jsfiddle

To ask your browser to retrieve the page directly from the server not from the cache, you can pass a true parameter to location.reload(). This method is compatible with all major browsers, including IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera.



The parameter set to 'true' reloads a fresh copy from the server. Leaving it out will serve the page from cache.

More information can be found at MSDN and in the Mozilla documentation.