How can I adjust the sequential numbering scheme when exporting Photos?
I'm trying to export ~200 or so photos from to setup on a digital picture frame. These photos are in an album, in sequence, and I can export them in numbered order from Photos.
However, Photos exports using the following format:
"Filename - 1" "Filename - 2" ... "Filename - 10" "Filename - 11"
My digital frame does not understand that 10 does not come before 2, so it plays back as 1,10,11,12...20,21
This ought to be solvable by having the Photos export using a format of 001,002,003, etc. I'm pretty sure iPhoto used to even let me do this! But I can't find any option to do so in Photos.
Is it possible to export using a sensible number order that my frame will understand?
Solution 1:
After exporting files into a new folder, go to Finder, open that folder, and select all the photos you want to rename. Once they are selected, right-click on your selection and you'll see an option to "rename xx files" where xx is the number of files to rename. Click that option and you can input the files name and sequential number. Below shows the panel you get when you select 9 files and right-click on the files.
Now when you click on "Rename 9 items you get the panel shown below.
Solution 2:
Select the photos to export and then press: ⇧⌘E
In the Export sheet, select the Photo Kind: and then select Sequential for File Name:, while leaving Sequential Prefix: blank, and Subfolder Format: to None.
Click the Export button.
Select a location for the photos to be exported to and click the Export button.
For the number of photos you mentioned, "~200", this will take a little while.
When the exporting is finished, then in Terminal change directory to the location of the exported photos.
cd /path/to/exported/photos
They will be named e.g. 1.png, 2.png, etc.
Use the following compound command to rename the files for a three digit zero padded filename.
for f in [0-9]*\.*; do mv -v -n "$f" "$(printf %03d "${f%.*}")"."${f##*.}"; done
The files will now be named e.g. 001.png, 002.png, etc.