Passing environment variables in npm-scripts

Solution 1:

You have a few options:

  • better-npm-run,which can define an env for each command separately
  • Instead of a poststart script, you can concatenate commands for npm like so: "start": "NODE_ENV=${NODE_ENV:=production} node start-app.js && echo $NODE_ENV"
  • Use a process manager in production like pm2. pm2 lets you define environment specific json files with settings such as NODE_ENV. At our company, we successfully run all of our apps in different environments with pm2 (all the while having the same start command)

Solution 2:

this is how I did it, first you need to install two dev-dependencies this load your env var from your file this use environment variable in script

example scripts:

"env-cmd ./.config/prod.env cross-env-shell \"docker volume create $DOCKER_VOLUME\""

this load $DOCKER_VOLUME env var from prod.env

update: starting from env-cmd version 10, you need specify -f flag if you want to use a custom env file path

"env-cmd -f ./.config/prod.env cross-env-shell \"docker volume create $DOCKER_VOLUME\""