Converting RGB to CMYK color profile in GIMP
I want to convert an sRGB image in gimp to CMYK.
Heres what I did:
Downloaded CMYK color profiles from Adobe.
Extracted them in the icc folder (/usr/share/color/icc/)
I opened my xcf image in gimp and went to Image -> Seperate -> Seperate
I selected the folder (icc folder) where the color profiles were and clicked the convert button.
It shows me a new duplicate of the image except that its changed the color to grayscale and the image to .tif!
The other thing I did was:
Went to Image -> Mode -> Convert To color profile...
It asked me to select to what workspace I needed to convert and I went into the folder (/usr/share/color/icc/) and selected a CMYK color profile.
After clicking Convert it gives me the error: "Destination profile is not for RGB color space"
Now how do I really convert my image which is an ad by the way so I can give it to the newspaper?
PS: I need some quick and great response on this within 2 hours! So please help!
GIMP doesn't really support CMYK yet, though it's in development. There's a plugin called Separate+ that can do CMYK separations — looks like it exports the CMYK data directly to a file, since it can't be stored in a GIMP image buffer.