Would the gate in Path of Pain stay open if i saved and quit?

I'm playing hollow knight on my switch, and one day i thought it would be a good idea to try and to path of pain for fun. I got about what i think is halfway (the chorus is singing in the background) and i hit a lever that made a gate open. However, i want to play other games on my switch now, but because theres no save points in Path of Pain, i was thinking i could just save and quit, and the gate would still be open when i came back. But i dont want to risk losing all of my progress on Path of Pain because... well... it's Path of Pain. It's hard.

You need to rest at a bench to save, and since there are no benches in the Path of Pain, you'll have to exit the area and rest at a bench. But yes, if you rest at a bench and quit, the shortcut opened by the lever will be open when you come back.