How to make this redstone circuit that displays a Minecraft creeper face using pistons if the lever is set to its on position thinner?
1-wide solution; heavy use of quasi-connectivity and block-dropping so not completely sure if it works on Legacy Console.
- 16 sticky pistons
- 10 building blocks
- 8 redstone dust
- 5 observers (can be 4 if the input is from top, in that case just mirror the right side on the left).
- 3 doors of any type (possibly 2 if input is from above).
Simplified solution with input from above:
Also even more compact, but slower and/or more expensive solutions:
and a 2-thick version that fully fits within the footprint:
Solution for Java Edition & Legacy Console Edition
This solution was built on Java Edition, and should work on Legacy Console Edition because it works similarly. If it doesn't, please comment on this post, and I'll see what I can do.
Materials Required
- 20 sticky pistons
- 22 blocks for redstone to go on
- 12 pieces of redstone dust
- 6 redstone repeaters
- 8 redstone torches
Solution Images
Image 1: Image 2: Image 3: Image 4: Image 5:
Solution Notes
- There are two pieces of redstone dust on each side, right where the crosshairs are in image 3.
- Study image 5 carefully. There are two hidden redstone torches nested inside the circuit. Do not forget them or the circuit won't work.
Downsides to This Solution
- Due to the number of redstone torches in this circuit, each "section" of the circuit is delayed, and they don't all pop up at once.