How do I do a fuzzy match of company names in MYSQL with PHP for auto-complete?

Solution 1:

You can start with using SOUNDEX(), this will probably do for what you need (I picture an auto-suggestion box of already-existing alternatives for what the user is typing).

The drawbacks of SOUNDEX() are:

  • its inability to differentiate longer strings. Only the first few characters are taken into account, longer strings that diverge at the end generate the same SOUNDEX value
  • the fact the the first letter must be the same or you won't find a match easily. SQL Server has DIFFERENCE() function to tell you how much two SOUNDEX values are apart, but I think MySQL has nothing of that kind built in.
  • for MySQL, at least according to the docs, SOUNDEX is broken for unicode input


SELECT SOUNDEX('Microsift Corporation')
SELECT SOUNDEX('Microsift Subsidary')

/* all of these return 'M262' */

For more advanced needs, I think you need to look at the Levenshtein distance (also called "edit distance") of two strings and work with a threshold. This is the more complex (=slower) solution, but it allows for greater flexibility.

Main drawback is, that you need both strings to calculate the distance between them. With SOUNDEX you can store a pre-calculated SOUNDEX in your table and compare/sort/group/filter on that. With the Levenshtein distance, you might find that the difference between "Microsoft" and "Nzcrosoft" is only 2, but it will take a lot more time to come to that result.

In any case, an example Levenshtein distance function for MySQL can be found at Levenshtein Distance as a MySQL Stored Function (Feb. 10th, 2007).

Solution 2:

SOUNDEX is an OK algorithm for this, but there have been recent advances on this topic. Another algorithm was created called the Metaphone, and it was later revised to a Double Metaphone algorithm. I have personally used the java apache commons implementation of double metaphone and it is customizable and accurate.

They have implementations in lots of other languages on the wikipedia page for it, too. This question has been answered, but should you find any of the identified problems with the SOUNDEX appearing in your application, it's nice to know there are options. Sometimes it can generate the same code for two really different words. Double metaphone was created to help take care of that problem.

Stolen from wikipedia:

As a response to deficiencies in the Soundex algorithm, Lawrence Philips developed the Metaphone algorithm for the same purpose. Philips later developed an improvement to Metaphone, which he called Double-Metaphone. Double-Metaphone includes a much larger encoding rule set than its predecessor, handles a subset of non-Latin characters, and returns a primary and a secondary encoding to account for different pronunciations of a single word in English.

At the bottom of the double metaphone page, they have the implementations of it for all kinds of programming languages:

Python & MySQL implementation: