Pandas function for generating series from dataframe

You can achieve your desired results using loc as follows:

# Sample data.
df = pd.DataFrame({'hispan': ['Not Hispanic', 'Not Hispanic', 'Hispanic'], 'race': ['White', 'Black', 'Other']})

>>> df
         hispan   race
0  Not Hispanic  White
1  Not Hispanic  Black
2      Hispanic  Other

df['race4'] = 'Other'
df.loc[df.race == 'Black', 'race4'] = 'Black'
df.loc[df.race == 'White', 'race4'] = 'White'
df.loc[~df.hispan.isin(['Not Hispanic']), 'race4'] = 'Hispanic'

>>> df
         hispan   race     race4
0  Not Hispanic  White     White
1  Not Hispanic  Black     Black
2      Hispanic  Other  Hispanic

You can then convert the column to categoricals if that is what you desire:

df['race4'] = pd.Categorical(df.race4, categories=['White', 'Black', 'Hispanic', 'Other'])

Note that the order of the loc assignments is important. It is equivalent to your if row.hispan != 'Not Hispanic': ... elif structure. By having the test for Hispanic last, it takes precedence over the race column.

I believe the reply above is what you want. In terms of what you asked for, there is an iterrows method:

def race_parse(row):
    if row.hispan != 'Not Hispanic':
        return 'Hispanic'
    elif row.race == 'White':
        return 'White'
    elif row.race == 'Black/Negro':
        return 'Black'
        return 'Other'

df['race4'] = [race_parse(row) for _, row in df.iterrows()]