What can cause a 'thump' sound in Minecraft? [closed]

Solution 1:

What can cause a 'thump' sound? Pretty much anything, depending on the type of 'thump' you mean.

As to what is specifically causing the noise you are hearing randomly? That is also entirely dependent on where you are and what's around you. It could be a zombie falling to its death in a cave, or an Enderman placing a block of wood it picked up from the nearby forest.

If you want to identify what is causing the sound(s), you can use Subtitles to see what might be causing it. When you hear the sound, check to see if it showed up in the subtitles, and maybe check what other sounds might be connected to it.

Alternatively, you can use the /playsound command, to try and narrow down what you think it might be, in case the Subtitles don't show it, or if you think you might have an idea of what it might be.