What has changed with Sectopods?

Yesterday I encountered my first Sectopod in my Enemy Within Normal/Ironman playthrough. I was overconfident due to pre-expansion experience with them, and did not focus my entire squad on it. It nearly gave me my first casualty in months.

I know they have more HP and reduced incoming damage, but what other changes have been made? (and also, how much health do they have so I know what to dread in classic)

Solution 1:

To the best of my knowledge there are only two changes to sectopods, although these are significant:

  • They take half damage, i.e. effectively they have double their previous health
  • Like other enemies that do not use cover, they can enter Overwatch on the "free" turn when they are discovered.

However, some changes to XCOM abilities make them more difficult targets:

  • The heavy's HEAT ammo now only grants a 50% bonus against robotic enemies (previously 100%)
  • The sniper's Squad Sight shots can no longer crit (which used to be rather frequent with Improved SCOPE against an enemy out of cover)

So the Sectopod has (effectively) more health, and XCOM's solidiers can put out less damage. On the other hand, there are a couple of new abilities that can help:

  • The MEC's Electro Pulse will reliably stun sectopods for a turn, and probably kill any accompanying drones. An extra turn of the enemy not shooting back can often make up for the reduced damage that it takes
  • A well-positioned Assault with Close & Personal can now get in three shots from an Alloy Cannon in a turn. While this can't kill a sectopod by itself, it can make a very large dent in its health!

There may also have been changes in the AI - anecdotally, it seems that sectopods are more willing to move than they used to be - but there's no way to be sure of this.

Solution 2:

Well, one change that hasn't been mentioned (and this may be a glitch, I don't honestly know), is that sectopods can see units that are invisible (invisible due to the gene mod, at least). They can't hit the units with the cannon, but they can use their mortar weapon to fire at the invisible unit.