How do I force players off a rail when dismounting a minecart?

Solution 1:

Answer to my own question.

Solution Images

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Solution Notes

  • Place the tripwire hooks one block out from the pistons. These blocks do not count for detection of players.

How it Works

Learn how your Redstone Machine works so you can apply the principles to other builds!

  1. When players dismount from a minecart, it is true that they stay on the same x and z position, but they are deposited about half a block above the rail.
  2. Players on minecarts that just pass through do not touch the tripwire, as the combined hitbox is only 2 blocks tall.
  3. However, as soon as the player dismounts, they are deposited just high enough to touch the tripwire and set off the pistons, pushing them into the water/safe landing and exit.