Am I correct in how equipment level affects its stats?

Am I correct in how equipment level affects its stats?

I know that rarity affects things too, but that's easier to grind for than level.

Since I don't want to make a separate question for each game, I'm tagging this with the whole series.

Guns + Grenade Mods: I assume that basically, only Damage is dependent on the weapon's level, while Accuracy, Reload Speed, Fire Rate, etc, are level-independent?

Shields: Well, the effects depend on the game, but Capacity + Recharge Rate might be the only dependent variable, and Nova / Spike damage?

Class Mods: I really only want to know for Pre-Sequel, but it seems that skill boost numbers are level-locked, while other stats, like Celestial Baroness Ammo Regen... Well, I hope I can get 1.3 on a Legendary one, no matter my level...

Oz Kits: Basically everything about it is level-locked? Oz Capacity, Slam Damage, a Bomber's Free Grenade Chance...

Solution 1:

Hi Again Malady if you remember me... I answered another question you asked about repeatable missions in Pre-Sequel. Being a pro lv 70 in Pre-Sequel. Yes you're right about almost everything. You forgot that elemental damage in all kinds of items grows higher over levels and about Oz Kits, most of their perks ( Bonus Damage, Bober's free grenade, etc...) Are not level-locked but are rather rarity-locked, legendaries have bigger bonuses. Also Oxygen capacity barely gets higher, I remember that since Lv 34 I have only went from 168 to 181 capacity, and my OZ kit is Lv 68. But you are pretty accurate about Mod Classes. So yeah you're 90% right I guess.