How to install Ubuntu on a Mac running OS X Lion?

Anyone tried to install Ubuntu dual-booting on Mac OS X Lion 10.7? I know it is doable with Leopard and Snow Leopard.

I heard that the Ubuntu installer will write the first 446 bytes from the beginning of the HDD, and that it is a little bit risky for the bootloader.

So it would be great if anyone here can confirm that it is working fine.

As far as I'm aware, you are not able to install Ubuntu via boot camp on Lion... However, you can install a Windows Machine then boot camp that to run Ubuntu.

But personally, I'd just run it in a virtual machine (as @Johnsyweb has said).

I may be wrong regarding the Ubuntu bootcamp however, I've done some research and can't find a way either.


Have you considered something similar to this? . Hope this solves/helps towards accomplishing this. Bootcamp into Windows, then dual booting the Windows Machine?

I think I found the answer here , If you are using OS X Lion which comes with Bootcamp 4.0 you will need to use the Disk Utility instead of Boot Camp. Boot Camp 4.0 will only allow you to resize to install Windows 7.

I use VirtualBox and it works very nicely.