How do I read and write to NTFS drive on Mac OS Lion

Solution 1:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Now, let us learn to do this for free.

Before we start. Make sure your external name label is ONE word. That means there is no space in between.

my disk = WRONG

my_disk or my-disk or mydisk = CORRECT


  1. Open Terminal [Command+Space+"terminal"]
  2. Type: sudo nano /etc/fstab
  3. In nano, type: LABEL=my_disk none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse Note: my_disk is your disk name
  4. To save and exit Control+X and Enter and Enter
  5. [optional] For ease of access, we create a sym-link to desktop: In terminal -> sudo ln -s /Volumes ~/Desktop/Volumes


When you don't need it anymore. It is as simple as:

In terminal sudo rm /etc/fstab


Solution 2:

I am currently using Tuxera NTFS and can read and write to NTFS devices as small as 1GB to 3TB in Mac OS and then plug them into Windows with no issues.

I think the issue you are facing is that Mac is not picking up the correct driver.

  • After you have installed Tuxera, you can check in Settings => Tuxera NTFS and it should say Tuxera NTFS status: Enabled.
  • In your NTFS drive, is there a folder .Tuxera-NTFS and the file disable-driver?
  • When you plugin your device, does your Console (logging) application show any errors?