Let $G$ be a p-group. Let $H$ be a proper subgroup of $G$. Show that there exists $g$ $\in$ $G \setminus H$ such that $gHg^{-1}=H$.

We consider the action of $G$ on the set $S := G/H$ of left cosets of $H$. Restrict this to an action of $H$ on $S: H × S → S$. Note that $H$ is a $p$-group itself and that $S$ has $[G : H]$ elements; this number is a positive power of $p$. Then we know that $|S^H|$ is divisible by $p$. Now $H ∈ S^H$, so $|S^H| \ge 1$, hence in fact $|S^H|\ge p$. Thus there exists some coset, call it $gH$, with $g\not\in H$, such that $gH\in S^H$ . Then for any $h∈H$ we have $hgH=gH$,i.e., $g^{-1}hgH=H$,so that $g^{−1}hg \in H$. Thus $gHg^{-1} = H$.