How to make hyperlinks in iOS Mail app?

I always compose my mails then save them as draft which lets the processing of links happen. Have you verified you’ve given the software time to process what you type?

This is the simple way described here: Create hyperlink on on iOS

Your adding an alternate text needs something more complex and since Mail does not support markdown or other editing like that, you need to compose in another program and then copy/paste/mail if you don’t want to have the full link typed out and then converted.

The Drafts app is my editor of choice for this. The first line of the document becomes the subject when you use the Markdown Mail quick action (tap the icon on the top far right)

Drafts app example of a markdown email

This gives you exactly the alternate text and full editing without needing a more sophisticated editing suite.

How to markdown an email from Drafts app on iOS

Markdown is awesome