Disabling "Exchange Password Required" Temporarily

I have an Exchange account, that only works behind a corporate VPN on my personal laptop.

As soon as I'm disconnected from the VPN this appears

enter image description here

If I click close, it just keeps on popping up.

I just want it to stop pestering me when I'm not connected to the VPN.

Solution 1:

Outlook is (for comparison purposes) a glorified IMAP client. EG it keeps everything on the server and Outlook is just viewing and changing data on the server.

So what you need to do is to tell Outlook to stop looking on the server for changes, which it does every few seconds.

Fortunately there has been an option in Outlook for a long time to allow you to do this.

  1. With Outlook active click on the Outlook menu
  2. Select "Work Offline"
  3. Enjoy your notification free existence

When you reconnect to your VPN you just have to go back to that same menu and select Work Online. With no dipping into network or notification settings, easy peasy.

Solution 2:

Taking accounts offline in Exchange or Mail does not work. And there's no way to block notifications from the system in System Preferences -> Notifications. However turning on Do Not Disturb mode probably works.

Finding Do Not Disturb mode is the hard part! Apple have done an absolutely shit job of UI design here. Open the notification centre (top right corner of screen). Now you might thing this shows the top of the notifications, and you can only scroll down, as is the normal way things are done everywhere. But in this case you actually scroll up and then you'll see Do Not Disturb.