Division result is always zero [duplicate]

I got this C code.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
        int n, d, i;
        double t=0, k;
        scanf("%d %d", &n, &d);
        t = (1/100) * d;
        k = n / 3;
        printf("%.2lf\t%.2lf\n", t, k);
        return 0;

I want to know why my variable 't' is always zero (in the printf function) ?

because in this expression

t = (1/100) * d;

1 and 100 are integer values, integer division truncates, so this It's the same as this

t = (0) * d;

you need make that a float constant like this

t = (1.0/100.0) * d;

you may also want to do the same with this

k = n / 3.0;