Adjective that means "Full of Integrity"

Solution 1:

The first definition of integrity in wiktionary is

Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.

Therefore I think ethical fits. A person with integrity is an ethical person. If you want to be more highly respected, make ethical decisions.

Solution 2:

The word integrous exists since at least the 19th century, but according to Wiktionary:

Most speakers and writers opt for an etymologically unrelated synonym — such as honest, decent, or virtuous — when trying to express an adjectival equivalent of integrity.

My personal preference is upright.

Solution 3:

Merriam-Webster defines upstanding as "full of integrity".

You could also use principled, which is circularly defined as "characterized by principle"; and "principle", in turn, means "a rule or code of conduct" in this context.