Are these results of arp and ifconfig normal?

The results of arp -a just show the other devices connected on your LAN's 192.168.1.x subnet.
1 is likely to be your router and 255 the broadcast address. 13 is your Mac. There seem to be 7 other devices connected to it. You can always set a whitelist of devices in your router's web control panel. is a multicast mDNS address.

The results of ipconfig are, unsurprisingly, just configuration settings for your network interfaces.

If Malwarebytes finds nothing, then in the absence of any other evidence or data, I would be quietly confident that there was no infection. If your Android phone was infected, it is almost impossible that the same malware would work on a Mac.

The best thing you can do is check in System Prefs > Network that your DNS settings point to known, good servers. I recommend