Freaky way of allocating two-dimensional array?

In a project, somebody pushed this line:

double (*e)[n+1] = malloc((n+1) * sizeof(*e));

Which supposedly creates a two-dimensional array of (n+1)*(n+1) doubles.

Supposedly, I say, because so far, nobody I asked could tell me what this does, exactly, nor where it originated from or why it should work (which allegedly, it does, but I'm not yet buying it).

Perhaps I'm missing something obvious, but I'd appreciate it if somebody could explain above line to me. Because personally, I'd feel much better if we'd use something we actually understand.

Solution 1:

The variable e is a pointer to an array of n + 1 elements of type double.

Using the dereference operator on e gives you the base-type of e which is " array of n + 1 elements of type double".

The malloc call simply takes the base-type of e (explained above) and gets its size, multiplies it by n + 1, and passing that size to the malloc function. Essentially allocating an array of n + 1 arrays of n + 1 elements of double.

Solution 2:

This is the typical way you should allocate 2D arrays dynamically.

  • e is an array pointer to an array of type double [n+1].
  • sizeof(*e) therefore gives the type of the pointed-at type, which is the size of one double [n+1] array.
  • You allocate room for n+1 such arrays.
  • You set the array pointer e to point at the first array in this array of arrays.
  • This allows you to use e as e[i][j] to access individual items in the 2D array.

Personally I think this style is much easier to read:

double (*e)[n+1] = malloc( sizeof(double[n+1][n+1]) );