Prevent browser caching of AJAX call result

It looks like if I load dynamic content using $.get(), the result is cached in browser.

Adding some random string in QueryString seems to solve this issue (I use new Date().toString()), but this feels like a hack.

Is there any other way to achieve this? Or, if unique string is the only way to achieve this, any suggestions other than new Date()?

Solution 1:

The following will prevent all future AJAX requests from being cached, regardless of which jQuery method you use ($.get, $.ajax, etc.)

$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });

Solution 2:

JQuery's $.get() will cache the results. Instead of

$.get("myurl", myCallback)

you should use $.ajax, which will allow you to turn caching off:

$.ajax({url: "myurl", success: myCallback, cache: false});