How to stop Automator / other task running in background

I have a process on my MacBook that triggers when a new file is added to certain folders, like my desktop, it copies the file and places it in another directory that is backed up online.

The problem is I want to stop this copy behavior and really can not find where / what is running it. I think it was automator I created it with (it was a while ago), and I used to see a gear in the taskbar if that helps narrow it down. I no longer see the gear now.

Any suggestions would be very helpful thank you

Bring up Spotlight (press command-space) and type in folder action setup and then press Enter when it comes up.

You can then disable/delete/etc the folder action on the target folder.

You can also, in Finder, right-click (control-click) on the target folder that has the folder action assigned to it as then select Folder Action Setup... in the Services section of the context menu.

Folder Action Setup...