Open Office: How to disable image link updates

In Libreoffice and OpenOffice use this path:

Tools -> Options -> Libre/ OpenOffice writer -> General -> Update-update links when loading.

You can select one of the following options:

  • Always
  • On request
  • Never

As shown here.

For greater speed with loading images you could:

From office help-edit links, have Graphics On/Off icon on the Tools bar activated, no graphics are displayed - only empty frames as placeholders. This would increase the speed of loading the images and hold the link.

To increase speed:

  1. Tools-> options-> load/save-> general, uncheck load printer settings with document
  2. Tools-> options-> office-> memory-> graphic's cache, you can increase the cache size

For office, memory per object. Cache for inserted objects == number of objects. As for stopping newly created links being updated over old is probably not able to be done.

In Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10, on Mac, these options are now in OpenOffice -> Preferences...