Splitting a string into words and punctuation

This is more or less the way to do it:

>>> import re
>>> re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", "Hello, I'm a string!")
['Hello', ',', "I'm", 'a', 'string', '!']

The trick is, not to think about where to split the string, but what to include in the tokens.


  • The underscore (_) is considered an inner-word character. Replace \w, if you don't want that.
  • This will not work with (single) quotes in the string.
  • Put any additional punctuation marks you want to use in the right half of the regular expression.
  • Anything not explicitely mentioned in the re is silently dropped.

Here is a Unicode-aware version:

re.findall(r"\w+|[^\w\s]", text, re.UNICODE)

The first alternative catches sequences of word characters (as defined by unicode, so "résumé" won't turn into ['r', 'sum']); the second catches individual non-word characters, ignoring whitespace.

Note that, unlike the top answer, this treats the single quote as separate punctuation (e.g. "I'm" -> ['I', "'", 'm']). This appears to be standard in NLP, so I consider it a feature.