pandas dataframe columns scaling with sklearn

Solution 1:

I am not sure if previous versions of pandas prevented this but now the following snippet works perfectly for me and produces exactly what you want without having to use apply

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

>>> scaler = MinMaxScaler()

>>> dfTest = pd.DataFrame({'A':[14.00,90.20,90.95,96.27,91.21],

>>> dfTest[['A', 'B']] = scaler.fit_transform(dfTest[['A', 'B']])

>>> dfTest
          A         B      C
0  0.000000  0.000000    big
1  0.926219  0.363636  small
2  0.935335  0.628645    big
3  1.000000  0.961407  small
4  0.938495  1.000000  small

Solution 2:

Like this?

dfTest = pd.DataFrame({
dfTest[['A','B']] = dfTest[['A','B']].apply(
                           lambda x: MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(x))

    A           B           C
0   0.000000    0.000000    big
1   0.926219    0.363636    small
2   0.935335    0.628645    big
3   1.000000    0.961407    small
4   0.938495    1.000000    small